Thursday, September 18, 2014

18 Sep 2014 - Rainy and cold in Cape Town

Distressing to see the rope around the seal`s neck and not able to help.

Cape of Good Hope

African Penquin Mom and Baby

The flower of Africa

Tree Canopy at Kirstenbosch (botanical garden)

We faced a rainy, cold and windy day when the alarm went off at 6 am. Today we had a full-day tour of the peninsula that included a stop at the Cape of Good Hope and a visit at one of only 3 African Penguin colonies.

The driver picked us up and we headed out towards the coast with the rain coming down either in a mist or in torrents before the sun peaked out for a short time just to tease. We stopped at a harbour so that some fools could get on a boat and battle 10-15 ft swells, to go out and see a few seals on a rock. They had to turn around and come back because it was just too rough. I doubt they got their money back. There were lots of seals in the harbour and of course there had to be one with rope around it's neck that has cut caused a lot of distress as there's nothing to be done about it.

The next stop was the Cape of Good Hope. It's a bit surreal to know you've looked at it on the map since Grade 4 and now you are standing there. The wind was blowing a 'right gale' as they say in Nova Scotia and once the rain started again, we headed for the van....that cheap rain coat I got paid for itself.

We went to the penguin colony and it was awesome. I'd like to write more about it, and will at a later date when I have more time, but I wouldn't have wanted to miss that. There were juvenile chicks and parents laying on eggs so we saw it all. The final stop was the Botanical Gardens....all the spring flowers are out and again, I will do a make-up blog because.....

It is 3 am and we are leaving for Kenya in another hour. We were in bed at 9 pm last night but I only slept for a couple of hours so expect the flight will be a short one for me! Corky wants to know when the holiday starts as we have been on planes and getting early wake-up calls for the past 4 days. I remind him this is an 'event', not a vacation. We are one night in Nairobi and then head for the game reserves to start our safari's....can't wait!

I did not wish my darling son 'Happy Birthday' yesterday but definitely did not forget him. Love you Kevin!

Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 7:40 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Sure would love to be there with you to see and photograph all those beautiful flowers! Hope you get sunshine tomorrow.


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