Tuesday, September 16, 2014

16 Sep 2014 - Robben Island and Table Mountain

Nelson Mandela's prison cell.

Grave in leprosy cemetery.

Overlooking Cape Town from Table Mountain.

We had a wake-up call for 6 am so that we'd have time enough for the whole morning routine plus breakfast before we headed for Robben Island on the 9am ferry. Corky slept the entire night and I woke up at 3:30 am but went back to sleep and didn't even hear the phone ring. Corky had the pleasure of waking 'Scary Lynne'. I think he's trying to figure out how to wake me without being in the same room. lol

I expect to be 100 lbs heavier and you would have to see the beautiful breakfast buffet to understand....and I don't even like breakfast! We have a pianist playing classical music while we try to choose between thousands of items, including oysters, and if perchance you don't see something that tickles your fancy, you just ask your waiter to order it from the kitchen. I had some kind of breakfast casserole that was to die for, and some kind of spicy sausage that may yet kill me.....the night is early. We sat outside on the patio to eat as it was a beautiful morning.

The 45-minute ferry ride to Robben Island was a tad rough. We estimated the swells to be about 10-12 feet a nd when the ferry beside us disappeared in the 'trough', we knew we weren't underestimating their size. Everyone was glad to enter the small harbour and get off the boat. Buses were waiting to take everyone on a tour of the island. It's difficult to describe the experience of being there and knowing you are walking the same paths as Nelson Mandela and the other political prisoners held there for so many years with no real cause. They have former prisoners that act as tour guides within the prison itself can answer questions with real authority. Knowing that this 'history' took place in the 1990's was shocking once you saw and heard why they were imprisoned and how they lived. It was sobering, to be sure, and although we were both tired we were glad we didn't miss the opportunity to see everything on the island. The island also hosted those who were chronically ill and those who had leprosy. We hopped the fence and visited the leprosy cemetery so...............

It was 'goodbye afternoon nap' once we realized today would be the only opportunity for us to visit Table Mountain. We quickly headed downstairs and they shuttled us there and we went up the tram. From the top you get a 360 degree view of Cape Town and area. We had a beautiful day to do it...clear as anything and just warm enough that we didn't need a jacket. We thoroughly enjoyed this visit. The hotel sent the shuttle to pick us up....if this is how the 'other half' lives, I want it!

We are both still stiff and I have to admit that I'm looking forward to a quiet day tomorrow while Corky plays with the Great White Sharks. I caught sight of the afternoon tea served in the hotel (a harpist, 30+ types of little cakes, tarts, and such, and tea in antique cups) so that's now on my schedule plus a bit of browsing in some of the nice shops in the harbour area shops...or there's the hotel spa to visit, etc. etc. We stopped in a few places to browse today and I saw a few little things that peaked my interest.

Our bathroom has a gi-normous bathtub that I'm going to fill and soak out some of the kinks. Until next time, love and hugs to all.


At 3:00 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I had left over Ceaser Salad for supper. It was delicious lol

At 4:25 PM , Anonymous Carol said...

I would love to be at the tea not so much the sharks.

At 4:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like the British - tea time. Would love to share that with you. Have a dainty sandwich for me Mrs. C.
Yeh there Wayner - I had your trout for supper and it was delicious!! thanks.

Mrs. B.

At 2:15 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Glad you enjoyed it Mrs B


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