Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Our 2nd Angel Arrives

Tori Lynn arrived 20 Mar 2010 in Halifax and like her brother Ty, and cousin Gillian, was a big girl weighing in at just under 9 pounds. However, her Mommy had a much easier time bringing her into the world than she did with Ty so there was much less stress on both of them. The photo above was taken in late Apr when she was 8 weeks and she was wearing her new Tutu! How could you not love this little girl?

She's a beauty and we were lucky enough to spend 10 days with her, helping with the cooking, baby duties, and anything else we could do to give Tim and Kim a bit of a break. It was a busy but rewarding time with them and Poppa (Wayne) proved once again that Ty will always have the best friend EVER as long as Poppa is around. It gave us a chance to bond with Tori and just enjoy her.

Tori is a voracious little eater and when her bottle arrives, she curls her little fists up under her chin and gulps like crazy. Eating is definitely not a problem and we saw her grow just in the time we were there. She's a cuddler (which I loved of course) and I always had to force myself to put her down after I'd fed her and she had fallen asleep on my shoulder.

Ty is smitten with his new little sister and is very gentle with her. He maintains that if he gives her a kiss when she cries, it helps to settle her and she will stop. Whether or not it works...and it sometimes is so sweet to watch him with her. When she first came home, he would sit in front of her baby swing and just stare at her.

I'm still revelling in the fact that I have two...count 'em...two grand-daughters. Both of their Mother's insist they each have enough clothes to keep them going for a long time but there's something so wonderful about browsing through all the girl's things in the store and actually being able to buy something (instead of saying 'someday' to myself) that I often can't, and don't, resist.

I am so grateful that they were both healthy and have been born into families that planned for them and are committed to being the very best parents possible. Perhaps because couples wait longer to get married and have children, they are more prepared for the sacrifices and anxious to be parents. I know that both of these sets of parents are amazing in their devotion to the little girls and go well beyond what is always necessary to make sure they are loved.