Monday, January 07, 2008

Day 9, 7 Jan - Galveston to San Antonio

Odometer: 123,545 Weather: Cloud/Sun/Fog + 68 degrees

We decided that it was time to head for points west and warmer weather so packed up the LuvMasheen and were on the highway for San Antonio. We had visited there a few years ago, for too short a time, and really want to hang out there and get a better feel for a place that we really loved. Photo: didn't get to ride a mechanical bull...yet...but took an interesting ride.
Houston was only a half hour away and Wayne wanted to see the Johnson Space Center so we set Gertie (GPS) to get us there and before long, we pulling up to the front entrance. Note to all: if you don’t have a GPS…get one…it’s a marriage saver! We took a 90-min tram ride to 3 buildings: mission control, the astronaut training center; and the rocket display. It was interesting to be in the room where the message, “Houston, we have a problem” was received by Apollo 13. Even more interesting is the fact that they sent the first Apollo mission the moon on a system that was run by two 220 KB! Yep…440 KB did it. The training center is still is in full use by the astronauts and while there was no training activity going on at the time of our visit, the CANADARM was set up and clearly part of the training program. The center is very much like the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and I most enjoyed the live feed from the space station and watching the astronauts up there going about their daily routine.
We are currently at the Alamo KOA in San Antonio and plan to stay here for 3 days. The guy at the front desk said the heated pool (85 degrees) opens at 0930 so there’s already something on the ‘list of things to do’ for tomorrow. The city bus stop for downtown is directly across the street and for $1 you can go downtown without having to unhook the rig or do any driving…that’s our plan. The Riverwalk is full of wonderful restaurants and shopping and with all the other things to see and do, I don’t think we’ll run out of things to do.
Keep the comments coming…it makes us feel as though we are connected to all of you. So many times we will comment on how ‘so-and-so would love this’ or ‘wouldn’t so-and-so enjoy seeing this’ so as much as we are enjoying our trip we are thinking of all of you. Until tomorrow…love and hugs to all.


At 5:36 AM , Blogger Claire said...

Note to Wayne, they make the best chocolate fudge, right before your eyes, on the Riverwalk. Have a piece for me and enjoy!

At 12:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi You guys!!

Wow - great daily journals and great pictures. It sounds like you are having such a nice time already - and it is only the beginning!!
We are all doing fine... I gave my cold to Ty so the poor little guy has had a fever again.
We have had a couple of days of rain and all of our snow is gone! We actually have a "low key" january ahead of us which suits me just fine.
Missing you!

At 4:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the picture Lynne! It's like you ARE actually a futuristic race car/hovering space craft racer. Love Jen xoxo
P.S. You Corkums and your damn

At 6:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Lynne and Uncle Wayne

LOVING the's a routine for Stew and I to read where you guys are every night now!! LOL..Glad to see that you guys are enjoying yourselves! Love you! Jacky and Stew


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