Monday, January 07, 2008

Day 18 & 19 - 16-17 Jan - Brownsville, TX

It's a good thing I'm keeping this blog. At first I thought it would be a good travel log (which it is) but it's turned out to be of bigger importance than I let's me know what day it is! Honestly, when you don't have to BE anywhere or go to any appointments, knowing what day it is really doesn't matter much.
We are still in Brownsville and decided to stay one more day to get ourselves organized. Having the van in for repairs for a day and a half put us behind and going tomorrow won't put any strain on our plan. We've amended the route through Mexico a bit and need to ensure that the places we will be stopping will have RV parks...or at the least, decent hotels to stay in. Wayne has been pouring over the map, internet, and the 20 Mexico related books we have to get it all syncronized. When this is over, I'm thinking about setting him up as a travel planner.
The guys at the Dodge dealer in Brownsville were wonderful and I'm going to write a letter to somebody when I get home to make sure their bosses know their high customer service awards are a direct result of these guys who go above and beyond. I didn't go in to the front office and speak to the owner's son before we left and told him but it's always nice to have a letter that can go on a personal file. At the last minute last night some addition part (we weren't charged for) was required and they spent lots of time on the phone locating the part and then one of the mechanics worked overtime to install it. Had they not located it, the service manager was going to give us the rental car back at no cost and work to have it done asap in the morning. Anyway, all worked out.
We are staying at the Breeze Lake RV Park about 9 miles outside of Brownsville. The girl at the front desk said 3/4 of the people here are from Canada. There's an actual small lake, not sure if it's natural or man made as it's very foggy this morning and I haven't gotten over to check it out.
While the van was in being repaired, Wayne and I toodled off to the Sunset Mall to for a few hours. If there's a JC Penney in the premises, I can wander for quite awhile. I'm still holding back on buying anything...there's just no room for stuff we can't use right now but I figure the trip home might be a different story. However, the crazy sales that are on right now (65-75% off) won't be happening so.....
The campgrounds here are very organized and most of the larger ones have an 'entertainment coordinator'. Like the last place, this one has a quilting group, and there are activities every day, including side trips. There are a few older people wandering the grounds that I wonder how the hell they ever manage the huge rigs they are pulling and then I remember they are also driving these things thousands of miles to get here....scary!
I've said this so many days will be the LAST day to get stuff organized and ready for crossing in to Mexico tomorrow. I doubt that I will have much internet access...certainly no free wireless like we've had in the US but will send e-mails and blog when I can. Take care everyone and love and hugs to all.


At 11:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are up and running again. I finally found your blog and have been enjoying reading it. We are doing the same old--breakfast, beach, lunch, happy hour, supper and early to bed. Stay safe and don't let Wayner go off the beaten track.

At 2:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to hear that you will be back on the road soon! Drive safe and have fun in Meh-he-coe (as Stew calls it!! haha). Love you!

At 4:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the funniest part of this whole blog is that the only way for dad to get his 2 cents in is to log in separately and post a reply like the rest of us spectators - some things will never change!
All is good here, really feeling for you guys with the RV troubles.
Glad to see you guys are enjoying it.
Love Tim

At 6:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find planning stops for this next leg of the journey very taxing. Campgrounds are
few and far between considering that: average speed is 60 to 70 kph;Especially when you read "there are only 12 spaces; hookups are old; some combination of 15 amp power, water and sewer; check the power before hooking up there have been problems with 220 amp instead of 110. Easy to blow circuits. Bought a spare battery for my Multi volt meter to test circuits before plugging in.

It is so easy to head for a KOA expect and get great facilities.

This part of the trip has its challenges.

The Propane truck arrived today to fill my tank. His nozzle would not reach in to the connecton . I found a place the other side of the city , got filled up only to discouver my brake lights would not shut off. We went back to the Dodge dealer and within an hour we were mobile again. I have a headache.

At 7:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love Lynnie's resume of your travels. Sounds so romantic and inspiring. I also look forward to Wayne's reality checks of how the trip is really going and I marvel at his technical ingenuity as he heads into uncharted waters in Mexico. I still feel he should have packed "heat". P.S.--
for your next purchase a generator would come in handy.

Luv ya - stay safe.

Stay safe.


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