Monday, January 07, 2008

Day 16 - 14 Jan - Mission, TX

One nice thing about being retired is that you can change your mind on a whim and that's what we did today. It was very cloudy and overcast when we woke up, definitely not a day to spend at the beach. The wind had blown a living gale overnight and I have this vague memory of Wayne getting out of bed in the middle of the night, in his underwear, going outside to take down the awning. All I know is, the awning was rolled in when I got up so.....
Anyway, after sitting around for a bit wondering what we'd do that day, the decision was made. "Let's blow this popsicle stand" says I and away we went. We set Gertie to guide us to the Mission Canyon Lake RV Park...sounded really nice. I believe the advertisement said something like--"Lake with paddle boats, fishing, recreation park and so on and so on..." The one part that intrigued me was the line in the ad that said, "Age restriction may apply". What the hell does that mean?
Because there was no complete street address for the park, Gertie took us to where the street began, about 5 miles away from where we needed to go but we found it and the 45 minutes drive we were anticipating took about 2 hours. We've learned that like any computer, the GPS operates on 'garbage in, garbage out'. We can't wait to hear how she pronounces some of the Mexican towns and streets!
We pulled into the park and noticed that there was a sign at the entrance which said, "Drive slowly. Seniors playing'....Hm-m-m-m-m....'Sign up today for shuffleboard tournament'.....double Hm-m-m-m. Yep, it's a Senior Citizens winter hangout but they have a few overnight spots so we decided to stay for the night. Residents have to be 55+ (hence the age restriction) to be here and there sure are lots of ameneties (I've been listening to Bingo in the other room for the last hr...very quiet group in there!) and put on trips and stuff. Don't see any health clinic though. What they don't have here are signs saying 'Quiet time begins at 10 pm' need! The 'lake' turns out to be a quarry that you can paddle around in. The power of advertising! We've had a number of people come up to us and ask "Where in Ontario are you from?" as they are also Canadians and as much as they love being away from the winter weather, they still like that tie to home.
The weather looks like it's going to be rainy for the next few days so our plan is to go back to Brownsville tomorrow, finish the Mexico trip plan and get the paperwork (insurance) arranged, do any last minute shopping and cross the border Thurs or Fri at the latest.
I really can't believe we've been on the road nearly 3 weeks and I guess that's a good sign. We've seen some places that we've enjoyed, ie, New Orleans and Galveston, and considering our main worry was to get to the border without having been snowed in somewhere, I think we've done well. I know that some part of me will be relieved when we get to Puerto Vallarta and I expect the remainder of the trip...however long that is...will be much less worrisome as we won't have the same timetable as we've had and be more free to decide what we want to see. Months ago when we were talking and planning this trip, I think our concern was always that the weather would create a problem driving and there would be difficulty in meeting Gail & Graham by Jan 29. It hasn't turned out to be a problem at all and our rush to get here has left us with some extra time. I'm thinking the sun is shining in Mexico and that's where we are going to go! I expect we'll be lounging in an RV park near Puerto Vallarta for a few days before they arrive.
Until tomorrow, love and hugs to all.


At 7:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lynne just left the computer room where she was locked in for two hours. The Rule in this park is no computers in the main Rec Room distracting the eight card Bingo players.

I was half hoping for a while that Lynne would want to stay and join the Quilting Bee. There is a well well equipped wood working shop for the residents to use. I was told there were some interesting projects being built. I did see eight model RV's in various stages of completion. I didn't enquire why.

I too am anxious to go further south to warmer weather. I thought I would have difficulty in programming the GPS with the wierd looking Mexican RV site adresses.
At least there is a complete address, not like this hideaway seniors location. Gertie is capable of accepting Latitude Longitude co-ordinates, so we are good to go.


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