Monday, January 07, 2008

Day 14 - 12 Jan - South Padre Island, TX

We were ‘lumps’ today. It might have had something to do with the fact that we were both awake at 4 am (I’m getting back on the hormones) and after a couple of attempts to go back to sleep, we gave up and got up. Not much movement in the RV park at that hour…this I know for sure.
I had a couple of good books and was happy to sit in the sun and read. We wandered down to the local restaurant and looked around and then decided it was nap time (this was about 10 am).
Wayne had walked across the street to scope out the beach and he wanted to do what he loves best…sleep on the beach. I need a television, blanket, and some comfort so I opted to stay in the van and nap. Mission accomplished for both of us.
We decideded to watch the sunset off the pier attached to the local restaurant so headed off about 4:30, had a couple of Bloody Caesars, and then a couple more. Two Mexican boys were cleaning fish and tossing the inards to the pelicans who had gathered by the pier. This is a daily occurrence and the birds know where the best spot is to catch to goodies that come their way. There must have been 30 of them, all clacking their long beaks at one another. The boys do this nightly and have favourite the one missing one foot...and they try to feed the 'regulars'. Between the pelicans, seagulls and terns, it was quite a sight. There were cranes flying by, the sun was setting and we tried to figure out where we’d rather be…nowhere but here. There was a pure white pelican..we’re so used to seeing the brown ones that this guy really stood out.
We went inside the restaurant and listened to the oldie/cowboy singer and his wife (who operated the karaoke machine), and ate seafood. They were probably in their late 60's and while the repetoire was mostly Perry Como, Marty Robbins, Hank Snow, etc. I'm betting he had a very nice voice 20 or 30 years ago. After a couple of drinks, the pull of the microphone began to hit me and I resisted...we decided to head back to the LuvMasheen. The restaurant is next to the KOA and frequented by most of the RV’rs from what we could see. A limited menu but great Caesars!
Tomorrow we will head downtown and have a look at the fabulous beach. Wayne had gone in to a couple of hotels while he was down there to find some shorts. He said the beach is lovely and I’m anxious to see it. We expect to stay here for a couple more days and then we will head back to Brownsville to arrange for Mexican car insurance and cross the border there.
We bypassed Corpus Christi to see some beach and I'm not sure we'll get back which is a disappointment as there were things we wanted to see (thanks Claire) but who knows...we figure we have a week to 'play' before we head in to Mexico.
Until tomorrow, love and hugs to all.


At 1:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the blog - am living vicariously!



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