Monday, January 07, 2008

Day 12 - 10 Jan - San Antonio, TX

Another gorgeous day…much like yesterday…about 68-70 degrees, lots of sun and a nice breeze. The RV Repair Man has a big panel truck and spends his days going around to all the RV parks fixing stuff. We’d asked him to check our ‘kitchen’ sink as something seemed to be leaking. Good thing he’s a wee small guy and can manoeuvre into tiny places! We figured we’d get everything on this list checked out so that we can stop fretting about the small stuff.
Once he was done, we hopped back on the bus and headed downtown, specifically to do one more stroll through the RiverWalk and have a nice dinner on a patio somewhere. We settled on Landry’s Seafood House, ordered a glass of wine and appetizers and realized that we had eaten at the same spot the last time we were here. Are we adventurous or what? We shared the best seafood gumbo I’ve had ever…dark broth with rice, oysters, shimp and something else in the fish family, and it was delicious. We also had crab fingers and salad and then realized we still had dinner coming. Needless to say we waddled back to the bus stop and tonight we are flopping in the LuvMasheen. We came close to attending the Mud Festival which coincides with the draining of the canal. In the end, we will do ‘movie night’, fall asleep in the middle of it, and be up at the crack of dawn to head to Corpus.
A young fellow pulled into the park about dusk last night—he seems to be alone as I haven’t seen anyone with him (and I’ve been nosing around)—driving a bus at least the size of a Grayhound Bus and if anything bigger! There’s also a new mustang convertible with it and I’ll wager he’s someone I should know…or GET to know! No joking, this bus is immense and almost looks like it has an upstairs and downstairs. I’ll tell you, this ‘camping’ attracts more of the rich than the poor from what I’ve seen parked here. The whole scenario reminds me of when Wayne had his 16 ft day sailer (boat) and we parked it at a marina in Barrie. We would pile ourselves, kids, lunch and whatever else we thought we needed for an afternoon sail and putt, putt, through the marina towards the Kempenfelt Bay. Along the way, we had to strain our necks to see the people sitting up on their yacht decks, some bbq’ing no less. They were at least 2 stories above us. We thought we were pretty hot shit until we had to make our way through the canal and then kind of felt like the Honkers from Hooter Hollow, ha ha. Anyway, I wish I could get a photo of the LuvMasheen beside that bus…he could put us in his luggage compartment!
All in all, a great day. Until tomorrow, love and hugs to all.


At 9:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luv the picture. I don't see any shorts or T shirts.

Still mild here - the snow took a big kicking and most has melted.

Received a beautiful thank you card from Jen and Colin - beautiful picture. A nice touch to enclose pictures of us also.

Shawna is to deliver her baby on Jan. 22 if all goes well between now and then.



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