Monday, January 07, 2008

Day 11 - 9 Jan - San Antonio, TX

Photo: The Alamo This was a quiet day, travel-wise. We’d made an appointment to have the LuvMasheen’s fan belt looked at and of course, it needed to be replaced plus the bearings and hardware that holds everything together…nothing is easy, or rather cheap. However, we try to remember that if we were at home the furnace could crap out, or the car could need a new muffler. In reality, we are driving our home around the country so the cost of living (in the LM) is all relative.
While the van was in being fixed, we hiked to the local mall and wandered through all the stores. I guess after telling myself for the last year that “I don’t work any more so don’t buy dress shoes, dress clothes, etc” so I didn’t buy anything. It scares me that I can walk right past shoe stores now and not even look in the window. If this keeps up…I’m getting a part-time job!
We are going to stay one more day here and then head out Friday. We have to remind ourselves that we have to be somewhere in another two weeks and if it goes as quickly as the past two weeks, then we have to start moving. We both want to do one more trip through the RiverWalk and have lunch. We’re told that the water was drained last week…they do it once a year…to clear out all the stuff, tables, chairs, etc…that accumulates. I wondered why the water looked a bit crappy and I guess it was because the water had just been put back in and everything was stirred up.
Also did a quick trip for fresh veggies and meat. It was a little disconcerting to see a security guy going around the parking lot in a golf cart. We forget we are in areas where the employment/crime rate is high but always see things that bring it back to us. So many people ask us about whether or not we’re nervous about going to Mexico and my first reaction is always, “No, why would we be?” Having said that, we don’t wander around certain areas at home or in the US and won’t do that in Mexico either…day or night. I do know that when we are in Puerto Vallarta, strolling down the Malicon in the evening is the best part of the trip but there are so many people, we don’t think about something happening.
Until tomorrow, love and hugs to all.


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