Friday, September 22, 2006

Blue Heron of Long Lake

I had to include a photo of the heron because he (or she) has consumed a lot of my photography this summer. Because we have an electric motor on the boat, we are able to get very close to them without scaring them off before I can take at least 50 pictures.

We think there may be 2 or 3 on the lake; one is quite a bit smaller and may be the female but we aren't sure. I can sit a watch them for hours as they show the stealth and determination to catch fish.

I'm lucky to have had the opportunity to get so many photos of these guys this summer. I expect they will soon be heading to wherever they winter but will continue to photograph them as long as they are around.

Where Did the Summer Go?

I went outside this morning and had to brush tons of leaves off the patio chair. While Autumn is one of my most favourite times of the year, it's a season I 'look forward' to most because when it does arrive, it means winter is not long behind. This was another summer that sped by because we've had such a wonderful time.

We started off with a mega engagement party for Colin and Jennifer on 24 Jun. There were 60-65 people and we had a fabulous time. It was an opportunity to meet Jen's extended family & friends and have her meet our's, and everyone clearly enjoyed the evening. The garden looked wonderful...we had all worked for the previous month to make sure there were lots of flowers and that the yeard had been spruced up for the occasion. Colin & Jen gave us a bottle of Dom Perignon which we'll hold for something very special. The last bottle we received from all of Colin's friends a number of years ago was cracked this past Xmas when we were all together to mark the arrival of our first grandchild, Ty.

The remainder of the summer (so far) has been spent at Long Lake with the cousins. We were fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to rent Sandy & Bill's former cottage as they have transitioned to Aunt Mary's...a long but worthwhile process. We normally head up Thursday night and stay until Monday night and we've had a terrific time. I have always tried to form 'mental pictures' or 'experiences' so that I can recall them with perfect clarity when needed. There's nothing....that can compare with sitting outside alone, sipping an early morning cup of coffee and watching the loons on the lake, and then getting that first whiff of smoke when someone on the lake lights their stove fire. There nothing....more exciting that seeing one of the Blue Herons on the shore and getting within 15 feet of it to capture the clearest photo you've ever taken. There nothing....more comforting than sitting around a big bonfire with family that love and understand you. And there's nothing....more inspiring than hearing huge flocks of Canada Geese flying low over the cottage in the dark or watching the sun rise through the 'lake smoke' it creates. If there's a downside to all this, it's that my appetite increases ten-fold and I can't seem to ever get full....the waistline increases with my contentment.

We've also had a couple of weekends with Ty and had the opportunity to really spend some time with him. It's so hard having him that far away (and I know some Grandparents are even farther than we are), but the time we do spend with him are so special. We've seen him taking those first tentative steps and I can already see some of his very special personality developing. He's priceless to watch and I'm always amazed at how I can just sit for long periods watching him and get so much joy from him.

We've got another month at the cottage and I'm looking forward to photographing the leaves's so spectacular up there.